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The Friends of Andrés Tapia
A lo largo de 30 años, Andrés ha sido un ávido participante de la comunidad y con su apoyo continuará su trabajo como líder comprometido. Para hacer una contribución, haga clic en el botón de donación.
¡Gracias por su apoyo!
Over the course of 30 years, Andres has been an avid community participant and with your support he will continue his work as a committed leader. To make a contribution, please click on the donation button below.
Thank you for your support!
Help Get Andrés Tapia's Message Out!

Donate in a Variety of Ways
___$5 - Welcoming
___$10 - Thriving
___$20 - Welcoming and Thriving
By Check
Make payable to:
The Friends of Andrés Tapia for City Council Campaign Committee
1349 Lincoln Ave S.
Highland Park, IL
By Venmo

By PayPal
Please note that contributions to political campaigns are not tax deductible.
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